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What to Say to a Young Child After the Death of the Family Dog

Homo kid who has lived isolated from human contact from a very immature historic period

A feral kid (also chosen wild child) is a immature individual who has lived isolated from human contact from a very young age, and and so has had little or no feel of human care, beliefs, or human linguistic communication. There are several confirmed cases and other speculative ones. Feral children may accept experienced astringent abuse or trauma earlier being abandoned or running away. They are sometimes the subjects of folklore and legends, typically portrayed every bit having been raised by animals.


Feral children lack the bones social skills that are normally learned in the procedure of enculturation. For example, they may be unable to learn to employ a toilet, have trouble learning to walk upright subsequently walking on fours all their lives, or brandish a consummate lack of interest in the human activity effectually them. They often seem mentally dumb and have almost insurmountable trouble learning a human language.[1] The impaired ability to acquire a natural linguistic communication afterwards having been isolated for so many years is oftentimes attributed to the being of a critical period for language learning, and taken every bit evidence in favor of the critical catamenia hypothesis.[2] [3]

At that place is little scientific knowledge almost feral children. One of the best-documented cases has supposedly been that of sisters Amala and Kamala, described past Reverend J. A. L. Singh in 1926 as having been "raised by wolves" in a woods in India. French surgeon Serge Aroles, yet, has persuasively argued that the instance was a fraud, perpetrated by Singh in social club to raise money for his orphanage. Child psychologist Bruno Bettelheim states that Amala and Kamala were built-in mentally and physically disabled.[four] Nevertheless other scientific studies of feral children be, such as the case of Genie.[3]


Prior to the 1600s, feral and wild children stories were commonly limited to myths and legends. In those tales, the depiction of feral children included hunting for food, running on all fours instead of two, and not knowing language. Philosophers and scientists were interested in the concept of such children, and began to question if these children were part of a different species from the human family.

The question was taken seriously every bit science tried to name and categorize the development of humans, and the understanding of the natural globe in the 18th and 19th century.[5] Around the 20th century, psychologists were attempting to differentiate betwixt biological beliefs and culture. Feral children who lived in isolation or with animals provided examples of this dilemma.

Documented cases of feral children

Raised by primates/monkeys

  • Marina Chapman claimed to have lived with weeper capuchin monkeys in the Colombian jungle from the age of 5 to virtually nine, following a botched kidnapping in about 1954.[6] Unusual for feral children, she went on to marry, have children and live a largely normal life with no persisting problems.
  • Robert Mayanja (1982) lost his parents in the Ugandan Civil War at the age of three, when Milton Obote'south soldiers raided their village, around l miles (80 km) from Kampala. Robert then survived in the wild, presumably with vervet monkeys, for iii years until he was found by soldiers of National Resistance Army.[vii]
  • Saturday Mthiyane (or Mifune) (1987), a boy of around v, was institute after spending nigh a year in the company of monkeys in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. He was given the name Sat after the solar day he was found, and Mthiyane was the proper name of the headmistress of the Special School which took him in. At the age of around 17, he could still not talk, and still walked and jumped similar a monkey. He never ate cooked nutrient and refused to share or play with other children.[viii] In 2005 he was killed in a fire.[ix]
  • John Ssebunya, from Uganda, was a toddler when his male parent killed his mother and hanged himself. Instead of going into a intendance facility, he went to alive with vervet monkeys. For two years he learned how to forage and travel. The monkeys protected him in the wild. When he was around seven years sometime, he was brought dorsum to civilization. According to a local villager, the simply forms of communication he was capable of were crying and demanding food, and he was a "wild boy" whom everyone feared.[10]

Raised by wolves

Dina Sanichar as a fellow, ca. 1889-1894

  • Hessian wolf-children[11] : xv–seven [12] [13] (1304, 1341 and 1344) lived with the Eurasian wolf in the forests of Hesse.
  • Dina Sanichar, discovered amongst wolves in a cave in Sikandra (near Agra) in Uttar Pradesh, India in 1872, at the age of 6. He went on to live among humans for over twenty years, including picking upward smoking, just never learned to speak and remained seriously dumb for his unabridged life.[14] [15]
  • Marcos Rodríguez Pantoja (ca. 1946, Sierra Morena, Kingdom of spain) lived for 12 years with wolves in the mountains of Southern Espana. He was discovered at age nineteen.[16] Rodríguez's story was depicted in the 2010 Spanish-German movie Entrelobos. For his portrayal of Rodríguez, young actor Manuel Camacho received a Best New Role player nomination at the 2011 Goya Awards.

Raised by dogs

  • Oxana Malaya was an eight-year-one-time Ukrainian girl who lived with Black Russian Terriers for half-dozen years. She was institute in a kennel with dogs in 1991. She was neglected by her parents, who were alcoholics. The three-yr-one-time, looking for comfort, crawled into the subcontract and snuggled in with the dogs. Her beliefs imitated dogs more than than humans. She walked on all fours, bared her teeth, and barked. She was removed from her parents' custody past the social services.[ citation needed ] Equally she lacked human contact she did not know whatsoever words besides "yep" and "no".[17] Upon machismo, Oxana has been taught to subdue her canis familiaris-like behavior. She learned to speak fluently and intelligently[18] and works at the farm milking cows,[19] [18] but remains somewhat intellectually dumb.[20] Years later, Oxana admitted on a Russian talk show that her story was slightly less dramatic; neglected by her parents, she sought out the company of the dogs and learned to imitate them as they were more than responsive than her parents.[21]
  • Ivan Mishukov, a six-year-erstwhile boy born in Reutov, Russia, was rescued by the police in 1998 from wild dogs, who he lived with for two years. He ran from his female parent and her abusive alcoholic boyfriend at the age of iv. He earned the dogs' trust past giving them food and in return the dogs protected him.[22] The boy had risen to being "alpha male" of the pack.[22] When the police force found him, they set a trap for him and the dogs by leaving nutrient in a restaurant kitchen.[22] Because he had lived amid the dogs for only two years, he relearned language adequately chop-chop.[23] He studied in armed forces school and served in the Russian Army.[23]
  • A x-year-old Chilean boy (Dog Boy) was rescued afterwards living with street dogs for two years. At the age of v, the boy was abandoned by his parents. Afterward fleeing a subsequent child care facility, he roamed the streets with 15 stray dogs. He spent his fourth dimension with them living in a cave and searching for food, sometimes finding leftovers in garbage cans. In 2001, his state of affairs was brought to the attention of the constabulary. Upon a rescue endeavour, the boy tried to escape by jumping into frigid sea h2o. All the same, he was caught and hospitalized. He exhibited depression and ambitious tendencies, and although he could speak, he would rarely do so.[24]
  • Traian Căldărar, Romania (found in 2002) also known every bit "the Romanaian Dog Boy" or "Mowgli". From the ages of four to seven, Traian lived without his family. The male child was establish at the age of seven and was described as a three-yr-old due to undernutrition. His mother had left her home because of domestic violence, and Traian ran from dwelling sometime after his mother left. He lived in the wild and took shelter in a paper-thin box. He suffered from infected wounds, having poor apportionment, and a children's disease caused by vitamin D deficiency. Traian was found by Manolescu Ioan, who had been walking across the country later on his auto broke downwardly. In the surrounding area, a dog that had been eaten was also constitute. Many assume that the male child was eating the domestic dog to stay alive. When Traian was being cared for, he would usually sleep under the bed and wanted to eat all the fourth dimension.[25] In 2007, Traian was beingness taken care of by his grandfather and was doing well in 3rd form at schoolhouse.[26]
  • Andrei Tolstyk (2004) was raised by dogs in a remote part of Siberia from the age of 3 months to seven years. He was neglected by his parents considering he had speaking and hearing problems. Social workers who found the boy were curious most why the male child was not admitted to his local school. This male child was non able to talk equally he lacked human interaction and had many dog-like characteristics including walking on all fours, biting people, and sniffing his food before eating.[22]
  • Madina, a three-year-old girl found in Russia in 2013. Madina lived with dogs from nascency until she was three years old. She slept with them in the cold, ate food with them, and played with them. Her father left her after she was born, this caused her female parent to become an alcoholic and neglect Madina. When plant past social workers in 2013 she was completely nude and engaged in canis familiaris-like behavior including chewing on bones. Afterwards doctors confirmed that she was withal mentally and physically capable despite beingness neglected for nearly her entire life.[17]

Raised by bears

  • The three Lithuanian carry-boys (1657, 1669, 1694)[11] : 21–28 [12] – Serge Aroles shows from the archives of the Queen of Poland (1664–1688) that these are false. There was only i male child who lived in the forests of Lithuania with the Eurasian brownish bear, he was plant in spring 1663 and then brought to Poland's capital.[27] : 196 [ description needed ]

Raised by sheep

  • An Irish boy brought upward by sheep, reported by Nicolaes Tulp in his book Observationes Medicae (1672).[eleven] : 20–1 [12] [28] Serge Aroles gives evidence that this boy was severely disabled and exhibited for coin.[27] : 199–201
  • A xiv-year-quondam boy as well known as the sheep boy (2009), was found in Kyrgyzstan living in a sheep flock. He was raised by sheep for 8 years. He had no communication skills and could not use the toilet. His parents left to find work and he was left with his grandmother. His grandmother took care of him until she died.[29]

Raised by cattle

  • The Bamberg boy – who grew up amidst cattle (belatedly 16th century).[11] : xviii–9 [12]

Raised by goats

  • Daniel, Andes Goat Boy (1990) lived in the wild for about 8 years. He was discovered in the mountains of Peru and was raised by goats. He walked and ran on all fours with the mountain goats. He drank caprine animal's milk, and ate berries and roots.[30]

Raised by ostriches

  • The "ostrich boy" – A boy named Hadara was lost by his parents in the Sahara desert at the historic period of two, and was adopted past ostriches. At the age of 12, he was rescued and taken back to society and his parents. He later on married and had children. The story of Hadara is often told in westward Sahara. In 2000, Hadara'south son Ahmedu told his male parent's story to the Swedish author Monica Zak, who compiled it into a book.[31] [32]

Other documented cases

  • Jean de Liège. Described by natural philosopher Sir Kenelm Digby in his book 'Two Treatises' (1644).
  • The girl of Oranienburg (1717).[11] : 29–31 [12]
  • The two Pyrenean boys (1719).[eleven] : 32 [12]
  • Peter the Wild Boy of Hamelin (1724)[11] : 32–41 [12] – Mentally handicapped boy, afflicted with Pitt-Hopkins Syndrome. He lived only one year in the wild.
  • Victor of Aveyron (1800) – Victor was a feral kid in the forests of Aveyron for twelve years. The subject is treated with a sure amount of realism in François Truffaut's 1970 film 50'Enfant Sauvage (U.k.: The Wild Boy, US: The Wild Child), where a scientist'due south efforts in trying to rehabilitate a feral boy run into with bully difficulty.[33]
  • Marie-Angelique Memmie Le Blanc, was a famous feral child of the 18th century in France who was known as The Wild Daughter of Champagne, The Maid of Châlons, or The Wild Child of Songy. Marie-Angélique survived for ten years living wild in the forests of France, between the ages of 9 and 19, earlier she was captured by villagers in Songy in Champagne in September 1731. She was probable born in 1712 as a Native American of the Meskwaki (or "Play a trick on") people, and brought to France in 1720;[34] or she was built-in in an unknown location in 1721.[35] Marie died in Paris in 1775. Documents show that she learned to read and write equally an adult, thus making her unique among feral children.
  • Hany Istók (a.k.a. Steve of the Marsh) of Kapuvár, Republic of hungary (1749). According to documents stored at the Catholic parish of Kapuvár, an abandoned child was once found in a marshy lakeside forest past two fishermen. He was brought to the town of Kapuvár, where he was christened and received the proper name Steven. The local governor took him to his castle and tried to raise him, but the male child eventually escaped and ran dorsum to the forest. Later, numerous folk tales developed effectually his character, depicting him every bit a "half fish, half human animal" who lived in a nearby lake.[36]
  • Kaspar Hauser (early on 19th century), portrayed in the 1974 Werner Herzog film The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser (Jeder für sich und Gott gegen alle),[37] who existed but whose account of his ain early on isolation may well have been a hoax.
  • Ramachandra (1970s and 1980s) – First reported in 1973 in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, at roughly 12 years old, and equally living an amphibian lifestyle in the Kuwano River. He was rescued in 1979 and taken to a nearby village. He only partly adjusted to a conventional lifestyle, nevertheless preferring raw food, walking with an awkward gait, and spending most of his time alone in nearby rivers and streams. He died in 1982 after budgeted a woman who was frightened by him, and who badly scalded Ramachandra with boiling h2o. Historian Mike Nuance[38] speculates that Ramachandra's uncharacteristically bold approach to the adult female was sparked by a burgeoning sexual attraction coupled with his ignorance of cultural mores and taboos.
  • Cambodian jungle girl (2007) – Alleged to exist Rochom P'ngieng, who lived 19 years in the Cambodian jungle.[39] Other sources questioned these claims.[xl] In August 2016, after immigration officials spent ii weeks reviewing the case, the woman left Cambodia with her family and returned to Vietnam. Vietnamese media reported that her birth father discovered her through photographs on Facebook. The woman never learned to speak while living with her adoptive family in Kingdom of cambodia, and according to her Vietnamese nascence family, she has been that manner since birth.
  • Name Unknown, Uzbekistan (2007) – A teenage boy found acting like a wild animal and snarling in the mountains of Samarkand later on being reported missing in 1998.[41]
  • Ng Chhaidy, Theiva near Saiha, Mizoram, India (2012) – She went missing in a jungle anile four, returning 38 years later. When she was get-go seen, she was naked, long-haired, and with long fingernails, which acquired her to be seen as a "wild woman".[42]
  • Ho Van Lang (2013) was constitute in Quang Ngai, Vietnam. His father, Ho Van Thanh, took him into the jungle (leaving behind a brother, Ho Van Tri) to flee from the Vietnam State of war where he was raised for iv decades in isolation. Upon discovery he barely spoke a few words of the local dialect from the Cor minority.[43] According to his blood brother, he is developmentally stunted like a kid and cannot distinguish good from bad.[44] He died of liver cancer on September the 7th, 2021, at age 52.[ citation needed ]

Alleged cases of feral children

Ancient reports

The historian Herodotus wrote that Egyptian pharaoh Psammetichus I (Psamtik) sought to discover the origin of language, and bear witness Egypt was the oldest people on Earth by conducting an experiment with two children. Allegedly, he gave 2 newborn babies to a shepherd, with the instructions that no one should speak to them, but that the shepherd should feed and care for them while listening to decide their first words. The hypothesis was that the showtime word would be uttered in the root language of all people. When both of the children cried "becos" with outstretched artillery, the shepherd concluded that the discussion was Phrygian considering that was the sound of the Phrygian word for bread. Thus, they concluded that the Phrygians were an older people than the Egyptians.[45]

Raised by pumas

Vicente Caucau (1948) – Chilean boy establish in a savage state at age 12, allegedly raised by pumas.[46]

Other alleged cases

The Lobo Wolf Girl of Devil's River (1845) – A figure in Texas sociology, was captured in 1846, but escaped. She was concluding spotted at age 17 in 1852.[47]

Raised in confinement

  • Isabelle (1938) was almost seven years sometime when she was discovered. She had spent the starting time years of her life isolated in a dark room with her deaf-mute female parent as her merely contact. Only vii months later on, she had learned a vocabulary of around ane,500 to ii,000 words. She is reported to accept caused normal linguistic abilities.[48] [49]
  • Anna (1938) was six years old when she was establish, having been kept in a dark room for about of her life.[50] She was built-in in March 1932 in Pennsylvania, United States. She was her mother's second illegitimate child. Her mother had tried to requite Anna up for several months but no agency was willing to take the financial burden, equally this was during the Nifty Depression. Anna was kept in a shop room at least until she was five and half, out of the way of her disapproving gramps, who was infuriated by her presence. Her mother also resented her, because her troublesome. She was tied to a broken chair which was too small-scale for her, and is believed to accept as well been tied to a cot for long periods of fourth dimension. She was more often than not fed milk and was never bathed, trained, or caressed by anyone. When she was found, she was suffering from malnutrition equally well as musculus atrophy. She was immobile, expressionless, and indifferent to everything. She was believed to be deaf equally she did not reply to others (later it was found that her deafness was functional rather than physical). She could non talk, walk, feed herself, or practice anything that showed signs of cognition. In one case she was taken away and placed in a foster habitation, she showed signs of improvement. At the age of 9, she began to develop speech. She had started to suit to social norms and was able to feed herself, though only using a spoon. Her teachers described her as having a pleasant disposition. Anna died on Baronial half-dozen, 1942, at the age of 10 of hemorrhagic jaundice.[51]
  • Genie (1970) is the pseudonym given to a feral girl born in 1957 in Los Angeles. Bars to one room without external stimulation of any kind, Genie was strapped to a kid's toilet and restrained in a makeshift harness for up to 13 hours per day.[52] [53] It was likewise theorized that Genie's father would vanquish her with a wooden plank kept in the room if Genie vocalized at all, and that he'd occasionally growl exterior of her door.[54] [52] This abuse continued for approximately 13 years and six months.[55] [56] [57] Attempts were made to teach Genie language, but results were limited.[52] [58] Genie's living situation was generally unstable, often moving between hospitals, foster homes, and fifty-fifty an unsuccessful stay with her own mother.[59] Every bit of 2016, Genie is a ward of the state of California.[threescore]
  • Named the "Craven Boy of Fiji" by the media, Sujit Kumar (1979) was born with cerebral palsy and epilepsy. Sujit'due south mother committed suicide when he was a toddler and his father left him bars nether the house to live with the chickens. Sujit was rescued while still a boy and committed to the Samabula Sometime People'due south Home where he was confined to his room and tied to his bed. He could not speak and his only verbalisation was clucking; his only interaction with people consisted of outbursts. Sujit remained at the old people's home for xx years until he was found by Elizabeth Clayton, a wealthy Australian businesswoman who founded the Happy Home Trust to care for Sujit and other at-risk Fijian children. Sujit's behaviour has improved, but information technology is assumed that he will never learn to speak, and he remains profoundly disabled.[61]
  • Danielle Crockett (2007-2008) of Constitute Urban center, Florida, The states had been locked in her room and deprived of any human interaction for the first 7 years of her life, causing a variety of severe developmental delays. She was found and adopted and as of 2017 Dani lives in a group domicile. She has not learned how to speak just can now let people touch her, wait others in the eyes, swim, and more progress acclimating to human conditioning.[62] [63] [64] [65]
  • Vanya Yudin (2008), the "Russian bird boy," is a 7-yr-old boy who spent his entire life living in a tiny two bedroom apartment surrounded past birds. His mother never spoke to him and treated him as a pet, and when institute he was unable to communicate except for chirping and flapping his artillery similar wings.[66]
  • Natasha (2009), born in Chita, Zabaykalsky Krai, is a five-twelvemonth-old girl who spent her entire life locked in a room with cats and dogs, and no heat, water, or sewage system.[67] [68] When she was institute, she could not speak, would bound at the door and bark equally caretakers left, and had "articulate attributes of an animal."[68]
  • Sasha T. (2012) is a two-twelvemonth-old Russian male child who was kept in a room with goats his entire life past his female parent. Having spent all his time in a room with goats and without human contact, he had not learned how to speak, and weighed simply almost two-thirds as much as a typical child his age when he was discovered by Russian social workers.[69]


Following the 2008 disclosure by Belgian newspaper Le Soir [70] that the bestselling book Misha: A Mémoire of the Holocaust Years and motion picture Survivre avec les loups ("Surviving with Wolves") was a media hoax, the French media debated the credulity with which numerous cases of feral children have been unquestioningly accustomed. Although there are numerous books on these children, almost none of them have been based on archives; the authors instead have used dubious second- or third-manus printed data. Co-ordinate to the French surgeon Serge Aroles, who wrote a general study of feral children based on archives (Fifty'Enigme des Enfants-loups or The Enigma of Wolf-children, 2007), many alleged cases are totally fictitious stories:

  • The teenager of Kronstadt (1781)[11] : 49–55 [12] [71] – According to the Hungarian document published past Serge Aroles, this example is a hoax: the boy, mentally handicapped, had a goitre and was exhibited for money.
  • Syrian Gazelle Boy (1946) – A boy anile around ten was reported to accept been found in the midst of a herd of gazelles in the Syrian desert in the 1950s, and was merely rescued with the aid of an Iraqi army jeep, because he could run at speeds of up to 50 km/h (xxx mph). However, it was supposedly a hoax, equally are several other gazelle-boy cases.
  • Amala and Kamala – Claimed to have been found in 1920 by missionaries near Midnapore, Calcutta region, Bharat, later proved to be a hoax to gain clemency for Rev. Singh'due south orphanage.[27] : 104–113 Scholars from Japan and France launched a new inquiry about Amala and Kamala, and validated the discoveries and conclusions done by Serge Aroles 20 years before: the story was a hoax.[72]
  • Ramu, Lucknow, India, (1954) – A girl taken by a wolf as a baby, and raised in the jungle until the age of 7.[73] Aroles made inquiries on the scene and classifies this every bit another hoax.
  • The bear-daughter of Krupina, Slovakia (1767)[11] : 48–9 [12] – Serge Aroles found no traces of her in the Krupina athenaeum.

Fable, fiction, and popular civilisation

Myths, legends, and fiction have depicted feral children reared by wildlife such as wolves, apes, monkeys, and bears. Famous examples include Romulus and Remus, Ibn Tufail's Hayy, Ibn al-Nafis' Kamil, Rudyard Kipling'southward Mowgli, Edgar Rice Burroughs's Tarzan, George of the Jungle and the legends of Atalanta and Enkidu.

Roman legend has information technology that Romulus and Remus, twin sons of Rhea Silvia and Mars, were suckled past a she-wolf. Rhea Silvia was a priestess, and when information technology was found that she had been significant and had children, Male monarch Amulius, who had usurped his blood brother'due south throne, ordered her to exist cached alive and for the children to be killed. The servant who was given the order set up them in a basket on the Tiber river instead, and the children were taken by Tiberinus, the river god, to the shore where a she-wolf found them and raised them until they were discovered as toddlers by a shepherd named Faustulus. He and his wife Acca Larentia, who had always wanted a kid but never had 1, raised the twins, who would later feature prominently in the events leading up to the founding of Rome (named after Romulus, who somewhen killed Remus in a fight over whether the city should be founded on the Palatine Colina or the Aventine Loma).[74]

Legendary and fictional children are oftentimes depicted as growing up with relatively normal human intelligence and skills and an innate sense of culture or civilization, coupled with a healthy dose of survival instincts. Their integration into human being society is made to seem relatively easy. One notable exception is Mowgli, for whom living with humans proved to exist extremely difficult.

The book Knowledge of Angels involves a feral girl found on a fictional island based upon Mallorca. She is the subject of an experiment to see if the knowledge of God is learned or innate. Placed in a convent, while she is there the nuns are instructed non to teach her about God or even mention him in front of her. This is to run into whether an atheist who washed up there should be condemned or not.

The Earthsea series by Ursula K. Le Guin mentions a brother and sister who were abandoned on a remote island as children, and thus grew up equally feral children; in A Magician Of Earthsea, Ged washes upwards on their isle and is unable to communicate much with them, as they only know a few words in their native language (which he did not speak at the time). They were both elderly and very frightened of him, just the sis gives him one of her few possessions when he leaves. Later in The Tombs Of Atuan, Ged tells Tenar about the sis and brother (named Anthil and Ensar respectively), and Tenar explains their names, lineage, and how the abandonment was known most in their (and her) home state. Tenar and Ged agree that abandonment was kinder than the murder the children would take otherwise been victims of, but Ged remarks that it was still very roughshod and "They scarcely knew man speech."

The 2006 novel Magic Hour by Kristin Hannah is about a six-year-one-time feral child living during her determinative years within a cave in the Olympic National Forest. The girl wanders one day into the fictional minor boondocks of Rain Valley, Washington, searching for food and carrying her pet wolf pup and unable to speak. The police force chief calls in her psychiatrist sis to teach the girl how to speak and to find the girl's family unit.

See also

  • Kid evolution
  • Cognitive ethology
  • Hermit
  • Language deprivation experiments
  • Psychogenic dwarfism
  • Street kid
  • Wild man

References and notes

  1. ^ Mihai, Andrei (December 1, 2014). "Heed Bravado Cases of Children Raised by Animals". ZME Science . Retrieved February 20, 2015.
  2. ^ David Birdsong (1999). Second Language Acquisition and the Critical Period Hypothesis. Routledge. p. 74. ISBN978-1-135-67489-two.
  3. ^ a b Susan Curtiss (10 May 2014). Genie: A Psycholinguistic Study of a Modern-Twenty-four hour period Wild Child. Elsevier Science. p. 207. ISBN978-ane-4832-1761-i.
  4. ^ Bettelheim, Bruno (March 1959). "Feral Children and Autistic Children" (PDF). American Journal of Sociology. 64 (5): 455–467. doi:10.1086/222541. JSTOR 2773433. S2CID 144015209.
  5. ^ "Feral children". Encyclopedia Britannica . Retrieved 2018-07-02 .
  6. ^ Hattenstone, Simon (13 April 2013). "Was Marina Chapman really brought up past monkeys?". The Guardian . Retrieved 4 November 2017.
  7. ^ "Raised by monkeys, struggling to be homo". New Vision. 17 February 2013. Retrieved 4 Nov 2017.
  8. ^ "Child of the wild nevertheless spurns life as a human being". Mail and Guardian. 21 Nov 1997. Retrieved four Nov 2017.
  9. ^ Mysteriesrunsolved (25 June 2018). "Saturday Mthiyane | The Child Of The Wild | KwaZulu Natal". Mysteriesrunsolved . Retrieved 2019-09-01 .
  10. ^ "Raised in the wild: tales of survival". The Independent . Retrieved 2018-07-02 .
  11. ^ a b c d east f g h i Rauber, August Antinous (1888). Human being sapiens ferus: oder, die Bustände der verwilderten und ihre bedeutung für wissenschaft, politik und schule. Leipzig: Julius Bregse.
  12. ^ a b c d e f k h i Chamberlain, Alexander F. (1896). "The Child and Childhood in Folk-Thought". Science. Macmillan and Co. 3 (74): 813–4. Bibcode:1896Sci.....3..813C. doi:10.1126/science.3.74.813-a. PMID 17768950. Retrieved 2018-02-08 .
  13. ^ Fantini, Alvino. Language Acquisition of a Bilingual Kid: A Sociolinguistic Perspective (To Age Ten). Britain: Multilingual Matters, 1985.
  14. ^ Malson, Lucien (1972). Wolf children and the problem of homo nature. New York and London: Monthly Review Printing. p. 45. ISBN9780902308244.
  15. ^ Zingg, Robert G. (1940). "Feral man and extreme cases of isolation". The American Journal of Psychology. 53 (4): 487–517. doi:10.2307/1417630. JSTOR 1417630.
  16. ^ Lupine Lore by Walter Tarello
  17. ^ a b Macdonald, Fiona. "Feral: The children raised by wolves". Retrieved 2018-07-02 .
  18. ^ a b Aqueduct Ukraine. "Oxana Malaya on Ukrainian Telly show". YouTube.
  19. ^ Grice, Elizabeth (2006-07-17). "Cry of an infant roughshod". Daily Telegraph. London. Archived from the original on 2022-01-12. Retrieved 2007-07-xiv .
  20. ^ У героини публикации «фактов» оксаны малой, которая выросла в… Собачьей конуре, нашлись родной брат и маленькая племянница, тоже оксана – 2003 follow-up article in Fakty i kommentarii (in Ukrainian).
  21. ^ Grice, Elizabeth (2020-06-19). "Cry of an enfant sauvage". The Telegraph. ISSN 0307-1235. Archived from the original on 2022-01-12. Retrieved 2021-06-21 .
  22. ^ a b c d "Siberian boy, 7, raised by dogs later on parents abased him". The Independent . Retrieved 2018-07-02 .
  23. ^ a b Channel Ukraine. "Raised past Dogs. Ukrainian Idiot box show". YouTube.
  24. ^ "'Canis familiaris Boy' of Chile Rescued". ABC News. 2006-01-06. Retrieved 2018-07-02 .
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  • For the first opportune critical approach based on archives : Serge Aroles (2007). L'Enigme des enfants-loups [The Enigma of wolf-children]. ISBN978-2-7483-3909-3.
  • Gale Encyclopedia of Psychology (2nd ed.). Gale Group. 2001. ISBN9780787647865.
  • Kenneth B. Kidd and Elijah Worrell (2004). Making American Boys: Boyology and the Feral Tale . Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Printing. ISBN0-8166-4295-8.
  • John McCrone (1993). The Myth of Irrationality – The Science of the Mind from Plato to Star Trek . London: Macmillan. ISBN0-333-57284-X.
  • Michael Newton (2002). Savage Boys and Wild Girls: A History of Feral Children. London: Faber and Faber. ISBN0-571-21460-6.
  • James Luchte (2012). Of the Feral Children. London: Createspace. ISBN978-1479294886.

External links

Media related to Feral children at Wikimedia Commons

  • Feral Children at Curlie


Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feral_child

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